<概要/Course Content Summary>
本講義では,ジェンダーの視点から国際平和と平等の問題を考えます。前半では女性による20世紀の社会改革運動の例として,婦人国際平和自由連盟と婦人国際平和自由連盟日本支部の活動に注目しつつ,1940年までの平和運動と役割,そして後半では第2次世界大戦後の平和運動を,歴史的背景を考察しながら扱います。講義を通じて,「平和」と「平等」が密接な関係を持つこと,女性の社会改革運動が文化・社会・国家の差異を越え,多様な価値感を受容しながら国際的に連携し,公正な国際社会の構築をめざしてきたことを検証します。 この授業は英語で行われます。 In this lecture course, we will consider the issues of international peace and equality from a gender perspective. In the first half, as an example of the women's 20th century social reform movement, we will focus on the activities of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, including the Japan Chapter of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. We will discuss the peace movement and its role until 1940 and efforts during the war years. In the second half of the lecture series, we will investigate the activities of women's peace movements after World War II. We will deal with the post-war peace movement, considering its historical background. Through the lecture series, students will be able to comprehend how "peace", "equality" and "social justice" have a close relationship, and how the women's social reform movement transcends cultural, social, and national differences, and cooperates internationally while accepting diverse values. We will verify that we have aimed to build an international community. Please note that course will be taught in English, and will use Google Drive and Teams for distribution of materials.This class is conducted in English. For the year 2024, if the classroom capacity can be accommodated, the classes will be face-to-face classes in principle.
学生は講義を通じて「平和と平等」が密接な関係を持つこと,「平和と平等」の原則が現在に至るまで,平和運動の道標であることを歴史的背景を踏まえて理解し,また,女性の視点に基づく社会改革運動の可能性を考察することができるようになります。 Through lectures, students will understand that "peace and equality" are closely related, and that the principle of "peace and equality" has been a guideline for the peace movement to this day, and includes gender equality for women. Students will be able to consider the possibilities of the social reform movement based on this perspective.
<DO Week期間の初回動画等の配信/The delivery of the first video, etc. during the “DO Week”>
あり/ Deliver the video
実施時期 /Week |
授業回/Number of Lesson |
授業実施方法 /How to conduct a Lesson |
授業実施時間数 /Class Hours |
内容/Contents |
授業時間外の学習/Assignments |
第1週 DO Week
1 |
オンデマンド(動画視聴)/On-demand(watching video)
90 分/min |
オンライン・オリエンテーション (講義内容・文献紹介)など Online orientation (Lecture content / literature introduction). |
授業で配布する資料の予習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class |
2 |
90 分/min |
1910年代の欧米の女性による社会改革運動ー婦人国際平和自由連盟(WILPF)の結成と活動 Social Reform Movement by Western women in the 1910s- Formation and Activities of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) |
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
3 |
90 分/min |
1910年代の日本の女性と平和運動 The Peace movement of 1910, and Japanese women's involvement |
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
4 |
90 分/min |
映像資料鑑賞 Group presentation of Galtung ABC conflict triangles on a chosen issue |
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
5 |
90 分/min |
1920年代 婦人平和協会の発足 -1 1920s: Launch of Women's Peace Association (Part 1) |
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
6 |
90 分/min |
1920年代 婦人平和協会の発足 -2 1920s: Launch of Women's Peace Association (Part 2) |
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
7 |
90 分/min |
1923年 WILPF 会長ジェーン・アダムズの来日と婦人平和協会の発展 1923 WILPF Chairman Jane Addams visits Japan and develops the Women's Peace Association. |
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
8 |
90 分/min |
第1回汎太平洋婦人会議(1928年)についての考察 Consideration of the 1st Pan-Pacific Women's Conference (1928) |
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
9 |
90 分/min |
1931年までのWILPFと婦人平和協会の活動 Activities of WILPF and Women's Peace Association until 1931. |
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
10 |
90 分/min |
1931年から1941年までの日本の女性たちの社会活動 Social activities of Japanese women from 1931 to 1941.
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
11 |
90 分/min |
WILPF日本支部の結成と活動 Formation and activities of WILPF Japan Chapter. 第20回 WILPF 国際総会 (1977年)についての考察 The 20th WILPF International General Assembly (1977) |
ここまでのまとめと中間レポート Summary and interim report so far (Teams assignment, in English). |
12 |
90 分/min |
WILPFと国連ー安全保障と平和 WILPF and the United Nations - Security and Peace. |
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
13 |
90 分/min |
CNDとグリーナム女性平和運動(英国) CND and The Greenham Women's Peace Movement (UK) |
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
14 |
90 分/min |
Final presentations (for students who choose this option) |
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
授業期間終了後/After the Class Period
15 |
オンデマンド(動画視聴)/On-demand(watching video)
90 分/min |
総括 21世紀における女性の平和運動の可能性 Summary: Possibility of women's peace movement in the 21st century.
授業で配布する資料の予習 及び復習 Preparation of materials to be distributed in class and review. |
<授業実施時間数/Class Hours>
授業実施方法/How to Conduct a Lesson |
授業実施時間数/ Class Hours |
面接/Face-to-face |
1170 分/min |
オンデマンド(動画視聴)/On-demand(watching video) |
180 分/min |
オンデマンド(授業内課題)/On-demand(assignment in class) |
0 分/min |
リアルタイム配信/Real-time online |
0 分/min |
その他/Others |
0 分/min |
総合計/Total Amount of Class Hours |
1350 分/min |
テキストは用いず講義時に資料を配布しますが,受講者は講義を理解するために,常時講義中にノートをとる必要があります。また映像資料を用い講義の理解を図りますが,その資料については受講者がレポートを書きそれを提出する必要があります。受講者は講義を理解するために指示或いは配付された英語及び日本語で書かれた参考文献や論文,HPを予習・復習する必要があります。受講者の構成によっては授業計画を変更する可能性があります。 Non-textbook materials will be distributed at the time of the lecture, but students are required to take notes during the lecture at all times in order to understand the lecture. In addition, we will try to enrich the lecture by the use of video materials, but will also be necessary for the students to submit two short reports in English. Students are required to prepare and review the references, papers, and websites written in English and Japanese as instructed or distributed in order to understand the lecture. The professor reserves the right to alter scheduled course plan, depending on the needs and abilities of the students.
アクティブラーニング/Active Learning
発見学習 / Discovery Learning, 調査学習 / Research Based Learning, 課題解決型学習 / PBL (Project Based Learning), 問題解決型学習 / PBL (Problem Based Learning), 反転授業 / Flipped Classroom, ディスカッション / Discussion, グループワーク / Group Work, プレゼンテーション / Presentation, 実技 / Skill Practice
使用システム/System Tools
Teams, Panopto
<成績評価基準/Evaluation Criteria>
Attendance of 80% is necessary to pass this course as is a lively contribution to our learning community through participation in discussion and asking questions.
Short informal written reflections on relevant visual materials such as films and documentaries form part of student assessment.
講義の理解 The final report in English will need to demonstrate understanding of lecture materials and the principles of this course. Independent research is also encouraged. Students who have no training in academic writing may opt to give a final presentation in week 14 instead.
Mini presentations in small groups form a required part of this course.
ジェンダーと平和と平等を歴史的背景から考察するため,重要な事柄や人物が時系列的に理解できているか,また,ある事象を資料に基づいて分析・評価できるかが評価のポイントになります。映像資料に基づくレポートと中間レポートについての解説は実施後の2-3週間後に行います。期末レポートについての解説は授業講評で行います。授業計画は受講生と相談の上若干変更する可能性があります。 In order to consider gender, peace and equality using a historical approach, we shall investigate issues and personalities within the context of the relevant period. However, we shall also interrogate how and whether a certain event can be analyzed and evaluated based on current materials. Explanations of the feedback report based on the video materials and the interim report will be given 2-3 weeks after the implementation. The explanation of the term-end report will be given in-class. Students who are unused to academic writing in English may substitute a presentation but this must reflect substantial research. The lecturer may change the lecture plan according to need and student ability or interest.
指定のテキストはありません。 The instructor will provide or suggest all relevant reference materials in Teams and/or via Google Drive.
<参考文献/Reference Book>
学術雑誌掲載論文は授業時に紹介します。Papers published in academic journals will be introduced during class.
<連絡方法 / Contact method>
科目担当者への連絡方法/Contact method from student to instructor
Teams chat or email
科目担当者からの連絡方法/Contact method from instructor to students
Teams or DUET
<授業形態備考/Class type>
This course is taught in person with the exception of the 2 DO weeks 1 and 15.
このコースでは,教材や課題の配信にTeamsとGoogle Driveを使用します。 担当教員との連絡はTeamsで行えます。 面接授業を予定しているが,登録者多数等で教室での面接授業が実施できない場合は,遠隔授業に変更することがある。