


Article 9-5 of
the Undergraduate Regulations applies

対象外/Not Applicable


○特殊研究C4 (植民地主義研究の諸相)
Selected Theme C 4 -Topics in Colonial Studies-
2単位/Unit  春学期/Spring  今出川/Imadegawa  講義/Lecture

  水谷 智

<概要/Course Content Summary>

What is Transimperial History?―An Introduction  
Throughout the course, we ask, what is transimperial history? Transimperial history is an emerging field of historical research, approaching empire and colonialism from a novel perspective. It is about multiple empires but is not a comparative study of them. Rather, it deals with the interactions among empires, situating therein the global histories of both colonialism and anticolonialism. The course introduces students to transimperial history by discussing a range of concepts, methods, and themes which are essential in understanding it as a distinctive field. 
Key words:  
transimperial history, empire, colonialism  


Students will be able to understand what transimperial history is. 
Students will be able to understand and use the basic concepts of transimperial history. 

<DO Week期間の初回動画等の配信/The delivery of the first video, etc. during the “DO Week”>

あり/ Deliver the video
・The first class (Do Week)
・The review class (Do Week)


授業回/Number of Lesson 授業実施方法
/How to conduct a Lesson
/Class Hours
第1週 DO Week

1 オンデマンド(動画視聴)/On-demand(watching video)

90 分/min
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

2 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Transimperial history as a distinctive approach: Part 1
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

3 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Transimperial history as a distinctive approach: Part 2
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

4 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Methods: Part 1
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

5 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Methods: Part 2
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

6 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Actors: Part 1
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

7 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Actors: Part 1
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

8 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Mid-term review
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

9 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Ideas: Part 1
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

10 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
ideas: Part 2
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

11 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Time: Part 1
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

12 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Time: Part 2
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

13 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Space: Part 1
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)

14 面接/Face-to-face

90 分/min
Space: Part 2
Preparing for the next class (1 hr)
授業期間終了後/After the Class Period

15 オンデマンド(動画視聴)/On-demand(watching video)

90 分/min
End-of-term review
Reviewing the last class (1 hr)

<授業実施時間数/Class Hours>

授業実施方法/How to Conduct a Lesson 授業実施時間数/ Class Hours
面接/Face-to-face 1170 分/min
オンデマンド(動画視聴)/On-demand(watching video) 180 分/min
オンデマンド(授業内課題)/On-demand(assignment in class) 0 分/min
リアルタイム配信/Real-time online 0 分/min
その他/Others 0 分/min
総合計/Total Amount of Class Hours 1350 分/min

アクティブラーニング/Active Learning

ディスカッション / Discussion, プレゼンテーション / Presentation

使用システム/System Tools


<成績評価基準/Evaluation Criteria>

平常点(クラス参加,グループ作業の成果等)  20%   
小レポート  20%   
クラスへの貢献度  60%  Contributions to the class in discussions 

Classes will be discussion-based. Students are required not just to attend the class but to contribute to the discussions.


Centr for Transimperial History 
With its Center for Transimperial History, Doshisha University is uniquely placed to lead the field of transimperial history as a new field. The instructor of the course is its Director. Throughout the duration of the course, students will be exposed to its lively academic activities.  

<連絡方法 / Contact method>

科目担当者への連絡方法/Contact method from student to instructor

e-mail, LINE

科目担当者からの連絡方法/Contact method from instructor to students

e-mail, LINE

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