



International Law and Organizations
2単位/Unit  春学期/Spring  今出川/Imadegawa  講義/Lecture ネット配信授業/Online(e-learning)


<概要/Course Content Summary>

INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW (IHL) and CRIMES OF WAR will be the focus of this student-centered interdisciplinary advanced seminar. 
Despite the pronouncement of the phrase "Never Again" the world continues to witness horrible crimes of war such as the genocides in Rwanda and Darfur. Can international organizations and legal institutions help us end these cycles of violence? This course will serve as an interdisciplinary introduction to international humanitarian law and expose us to the reality of war crimes. Principles of international humanitarian law and the international legal system will be examined. The political context and philosophical issues will also be discussed. The final three weeks will focus on the future of war (and law) in the context of climate change and technological development.


Upon successful completion of this course, students are expected to be able to achieve the following learning outcomes: 
1) discuss how the Geneva Conventions and Protocols regulate weapons used by state actors; analyze the difficulties of enforcing international humanitarian law; and discuss how nuclear, biological, chemical weapons and other types of munitions are generally contrary to the law because they put civilian populations at risk; 
2) gain an understanding of the different documents associated with the definition and protection of civilians; identify and investigate violence against civilians in specific cases; and apply this knowledge to other cases in order to predict the consequences of warfare against civilians and take action to prevent them; 
3) have a better understanding of who child soldiers are; become familiar with the international laws, conventions, and treaties that protect children in times of war; and know more about the rehabilitation of child soldiers in a post-conflict environment; 
4) analyze issues surrounding rape as a crime of war, crime against humanity, and instrument of genocide; and reflect on how cases of sexual violence are being adjudicated by international tribunals; 
5) discuss international agreements on terrorism, torture, detention and interrogation, specifically the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Torture; 
6) analyze the capacity of the international community to enforce the Genocide Convention; and describe how their participation in the democratic process can play a role in holding their government to their commitments outlined in the Genocide Convention and, thereby, help to prevent further genocide; 
7) become familiar with International Humanitarian Law (IHL) concepts, including the International Criminal Court (ICC) and ad hoc tribunals; 
8) describe the political and philosophical backgrounds of humanitarian intervention and how it is justified in international law; discuss the limitations of international law in protecting citizens that face humanitarian crisis; and examine and defend their opinions of humanitarian intervention and the values that support it. 


(実施回/ Week) Week 1  (内容/ Contents) COURSE OVERVIEW:  
-Attempts to limit armed conflict. 
-What can bystanders do?  
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Short Film: "International humanitarian law: a universal  
Rochester: (pp.1-28) 
(実施回/ Week) Week 2  (内容/ Contents) THE LAW OF ARMED CONFLICT 
-Jus Ad Bellum 
-Jus In Bello 
-The Problem of Enforcement. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Crawford: (pp. 29-49) 
Rochester: (pp.29-74) 
WL: Introduction (pp. 1-11) 
Security Council Authorization (pp. 15-24) 
Recommended Film: "Lord of War"  
(実施回/ Week) Week 3  (内容/ Contents) MEANS AND METHODS  
Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Weapons; Carpet Bombing; Landmines and Cluster Bombs.  
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Crawford: (pp. 195-234) 
COW: "Chemical Weapons" by Peter Pringle (pp. 93-94) 
"Indiscriminate Attack" by Roy Gutman and Daoud Kuttab (pp. 239-241) 
"Mines" by John Ryle (p. 302) 
"Nuclear Weapons" by Burrus M. Carnahan (pp. 304-306) 
"Poisonous Weapons" by Gwynne Roberts (pp. 324-327) 
"Red Cross/Red Crescent Emblem" by Christian Jennings (pp. 349-351) 
"Weapons" by Burrus M. Carnahan (pp. 425-426)  
WL: Pre-emptive Self-defense (pp.72-81) 
(実施回/ Week) Week 4  (内容/ Contents) VIOLENCE AGAINST CIVILIANS 
Case Study: Sarajevo  
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) COW: "Bosnia" by Florence Hartmann (pp. 66-72) 
"Civilian Immunity" by Heike Spieker (p. 103) 
"Collateral Damage" by Horst Fischer (pp. 107) 
"Combatant Status" by A. P. V. Rogers (pp. 115-116) 
"Hors de Combat" by Kurt Schork (pp. 218-219) 
"Humanitarian Aid, Blocking of" by David Rieff (pp. 225-226) 
"Immunity from Attack" by Emma Daly (pp. 234-235) 
"Jus ad Bellum/Jus in Bello" by Karma Nabulsi (p. 275) 
"Legitimate Military Targets" by Gaby Rado (pp. 278-280) 
"Military Necessity" by Françoise Hampson (pp. 297-298) 
"Military Objective" by Hamilton DeSaussure (pp. 299-301) 
"Pillage" by Thomas Goltz (pp. 322-323) 
"Siege" by Tom Gjelten (pp. 384-386) 
"Starvation" by Marita Vihervuori (pp. 392-394) 
"Willful Killing" by Peter Maass (pp. 427-428) 
WL: Responsibility to Protect (pp. 104-111) 
Protection of Civilians (pp. 115-126) 
Recommended Film: "Welcome to Sarajevo"  
(実施回/ Week) Week 5  (内容/ Contents) CHILD SOLDIERS 
Rehabilitation in a post-conflict environment  
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) COW: "Child Soldiers" by Anna Cataldi and Jimmie Briggs (pp. 95-98) 
"Children as Killers" by Corinne Dufka (p. 99)  
(実施回/ Week) Week 6  (内容/ Contents) SEXUAL VIOLENCE 
Case Study: Congo 
Case Study: WWII 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) COW: "Sexual Violence" by Thom Shanker (pp. 369-373) 
"Sexual Violence: Enslavement" by George Rodrigue (pp. 373-376)  
"Sexual Violence: Systematic Rape" by Alexandra Stiglmayer (pp. 376-377)  
(実施回/ Week) Week 7  (内容/ Contents) TORTURE AS A WEAPON IN THE WAR ON TERROR 
Prisoner's of War / Enemy Combatants / Noncombatants  
Case Study: Afghanistan War and Guantanamo Bay  
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Crawford: (pp. 87-119) 
COW: "Detention and Interrogation" by Dana Priest (pp. 159-164)  
"Terrorism" by Anthony Dworkin (pp. 396-399) 
"Torture" by Nicole Pope (pp. 400-401) 
"Prisoners of War" by H. Wayne Elliot (pp. 328-332) 
WL: Protection of Combatants and Prisoners of War (pp. 127-135)  
Assignment: GCUA: “The protection of Detainees in International Humanitarian Law” (pp. 99-135)  
(実施回/ Week) Week 8  (内容/ Contents) GENOCIDE 
Case study: Cambodia 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) COW: "Cambodia" by Sydney Schanberg (pp. 76-83) 
"Concentration Camps" by Ed Vulliamy (pp. 121-125) 
"Crimes Against Humanity" by M. Cherif Bassiouni (pp. 135-136) 
"Darfur" by John Prendergast and Colin Thomas-Jensen (pp. 146-151) 
"Ethnic Cleansing" by Roger Cohen (pp. 175-177) 
"Genocide" by Diane F. Orentlicher (pp. 191-195) 
"Incitement to Genocide" by Colette Braeckmen (pp. 236-238) 
"Persecution of Political, Racial or Religious Grounds" by William Shawcross (pp. 318-321) 
"Rwanda" by Mark Huband (pp. 360-364) 
"Refoulement" by David Rieff (pp. 352-353)  
(実施回/ Week) Week 9  (内容/ Contents) Case Study: Rwanda  
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Rwanda background reading (distributed in class)  
(実施回/ Week) Week 10  (内容/ Contents) INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS 
International Criminal Court  
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Crawford: (pp. 235-266) 
COW: "Due Process" by Gideon Levy (pp. 167-170) 
"Sanctions" by Tom Gjelten (pp. 367-368) 
Short Film: "The Reckoning: The Battle for the International Criminal Court" 
WL: War Crimes Courts and Tribunals (pp. 136-146) 
(実施回/ Week) Week 11  (内容/ Contents) WAR LAW AND THE UNITED STATES   (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) WL: Self-defence against Terrorism (pp. 61-71) 
War Law and the Single Superpower (pp. 147-155) 
Recommended Film: "The Fog of War" 
(実施回/ Week) Week 12  (内容/ Contents) HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) COW: "Humanitarian Aid, Blocking of" by David Rieff (pp. 225-226) 
"Humanitarian Intervention", by David Rieff and Anthony Dworkin (pp. 227-230) 
"Courts and Tribunals" by Charles Garraway (pp. 132-134) 
"Gulf War" by Frank Smyth (pp. 208-214) 
WL: Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention (pp. 92-111) 
(実施回/ Week) Week 13  (内容/ Contents) CLIMATE CHANGE AND REFUGEES  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Freedman (pp. 254-263) 
(実施回/ Week) Week 14  (内容/ Contents) CYBERWARFARE, DRONES AND INFOWAR  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Freedman (pp. 230-253) 
(実施回/ Week) Week 15  (内容/ Contents) FUTURE OF WAR, PEACE AND LAW  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Rochester (pp. 139-153) 
Freedman (pp. 264-288) 
**Final PORTFOLIO Due** 

Course Requirements and Assignments  
Students are expected to actively participate in class discussions, thus regular attendance, and completion of background readings prior to class is important. Students must have a minimum 70% attendance to receive credit for the course. You will be required to make one or two group presentations as well as lead discussions that will be assigned to you during the course. There will be weekly discussion questions. At the end of the course, you are required to submit a final written portfolio based on the weekly discussion questions.

<成績評価基準/Evaluation Criteria>

Portfolio submission  30%   
Contributions to class (discussions and attendance)   30%   
Presentations  40%   

Contact me by email before class begins if you have an emergency or illness and will not be able to attend class. 


<成績評価結果/Results of assessment>   成績評価の見方について/Notes for assessment






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Gutman, Rieff & Dworkin , Crimes of War 2.0 :  What the Public Should Know .   (New York: W.W. Norton, 2007) .  ISBN:0393328465 


Michael Byers , War Law :  Understanding International Law and Armed Conflict .   (New York: Grove Press, 2006) .  ISBN:080214294X 


<参考文献/Reference Book>

Emily Crawford and Alison Pert , International Humanitarian Law .   (Cambridge University Press, 2015) ,  324 .  ISBN:1107537096 


J. Martin Rochester , The New Warfare: :  Rethinking Rules for an Unruly World ,  1 edition .   (Routledge, 2016) ,  176 .  ISBN:1138191892 


Lawrence Freedman , The Future of War :  A History ,  Reprint .   (PublicAffairs, 2019) ,  400 .  ISBN:978-1541742772 



Additional readings TBA. 
This syllabus will be subject to changes and/or revisions. 
Note to students: The ILA will be offering all courses through remote learning over the spring and fall semesters of the 2021 Academic Year. Course lecturers will send DUET messages with details on how to participate in the courses that you have registered for. Be sure to check the DUET system when course registration has been finalized in order to receive further instructions from your course lecturers. 


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