※学期中に内容が変更になることがあります。 | |||||
<概要/Course Content Summary> The course introduces the fundamentals of the Electric Circuit Theories for the analysis and simulation of linear electric circuits, and measurements of their properties. Topics include resistive and energy-storage elements, controlled sources and operational amplifiers, systematic analysis methods, AC steady state, power and three-phase systems, magnetic coupling and transformers, transients, s-plane representation and analysis, frequency response, and Laplace transform. <到達目標/Goals,Aims> 1. Understand the basic electrical engineering principles and abstractions on which the design of electrical and electronic systems is based. <授業計画/Schedule>
The professor asks students of their familiarity to the electrical circuit theory at the first class. <成績評価基準/Evaluation Criteria>
<備考/Remarks> This class is held online or interactive. |
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