


△World Civilizations
World Civilizations
2単位/Unit  秋学期/Fall  今出川/Imadegawa  講義/Lecture

  和泉 真澄

<概要/Course Content Summary>

This is an introductory survey course in world history that explores the rich diversity of human culture by examining developments of world civilizations and human interactions. Starting with the cradles of civilization, this course covers some essential themes of the human experience from its origins to the present day. By weaving together thematic and regional perspectives into a larger global context, the course tries to present an integrated survey of world history in such a way that can be relevant when we think of the contemporary social and cultural issues of our time. 
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this class will be a live online class using Zoom. Please log into the Zoom class using the information given through the DUET message at the designated class time every week. If you have problem connecting to Zoom, please notify the instructor using the DUET message system or email. The class will be discussion based, so please prepare to participate with the camera on. If you have problems with the camera-on policy, please notify the instructor. Most of the class instructions and reading materials/assignments will be provided via "e-class."


The objective of this class is to get a better understanding of world history in cultural, political, social, religious, ideological and technological aspects. By the end of this course students will understand major regional developments of human civilizations as well as some basic themes relevant in considering human interactions and mobility. This course is designed to improve critical reading and thinking skills.


(実施回/ Week) Week 1  (内容/ Contents) Introduction and Orientation 
Topic: Introduction, course description and assigning presentations for Week 2 and 3 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Browse the textbook 
(実施回/ Week) Week 2  (内容/ Contents) Human Migration 
Topic: What makes humans human? 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 1, pp.1-30 
(実施回/ Week) Week 3  (内容/ Contents) Technology and Environment 
Topic: Cultural adaptations by early human population 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 2, pp.31-60 
(実施回/ Week) Week 4  (内容/ Contents) Cities and City Life 
Topic: Development of complex societies and economy 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch.3, pp.61-84 
(実施回/ Week) Week 5  (内容/ Contents) Ideas and Power 
Topic: Development of religions and politics 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 4, pp.85-115 
(実施回/ Week) Week 6  (内容/ Contents) The Spread of World Religions 
Topic: Interaction between Religion and Political Power 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 5, pp.118-148 
(実施回/ Week) Week 7  (内容/ Contents) Making a Living 
Topic: Civilization and changes in Economic Systems 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 6, pp.149-175 
(実施回/ Week) Week 8  (内容/ Contents) Early Empires 
Topic: Ideological, Economic and Political foundations of Empires 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 9, pp.230-257 
(実施回/ Week) Week 9  (内容/ Contents) Connections across Land and Sea 
Topic: Development of international trade 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 10, pp.260-293 
(実施回/ Week) Week 10  (内容/ Contents) Commerce and Change 
Topic: Silver, Sugar and Slaves: Creating a World System 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 13, pp.350-378 
(実施回/ Week) Week 11  (内容/ Contents) Traditions and their Transformations 
Topic: Technological Development and Cultural Transformations 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 14, pp.379-408 
(実施回/ Week) Week 12  (内容/ Contents) Landings 
Topic: Boundaries, Frontiers, and Encounters 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 16, pp.430-458 
(実施回/ Week) Week 13  (内容/ Contents) Crucibles of Change 
Topic: Material worlds and social lives 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 17, pp.460-495 
(実施回/ Week) Week 14  (内容/ Contents) The Nation-State, Nationalism, and Revolution  
Topic: Construction of National Identities 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 18, pp.496-525 
(実施回/ Week) Week 15  (内容/ Contents) The Industrial Revolution  
Topic: Technology and Environment in the Modern World 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Assignment: Textbook Ch. 19, pp.526-548 

Course Requirements and Assignments 
a) Attendance, Readings and Participation:  
You are required to punctually attend the classes and have an attendance record of at least 80%. You are responsible for completing the readings (textbook chapters) for the day they are assigned and come to class prepared to discuss them. You are expected to actively participate in group and class discussions.  
b) Presentation:  
You are required to present assigned chapters a couple of times during the course. For your presentation you will critically analyze and summarize the chapter and present additional information relevant to the content of your presentation. Try to contextualize the events or phenomena described in the textbook in the global perspective of human civilizations. In the classes when you are not presenting, you will prepare a one page report with answers for "Study Questions" in the textbook. 
c)Final Exam:  
At the end of the course you are required to submit a research paper on one the themes of your choice presented in the textbook.

<成績評価基準/Evaluation Criteria>

Final report submission  40%   
Contributions to the class including class discussions, attendance, and study question submissions.  30%   
Presentations of the assigned readings  30%   

1. Since discussion is an essential part of this course, please come to class prepared and on time. 
2. Please inform the instructor via email if you will not be able to come to class. 
3. Plagiarism and Cheating  
Doshisha University does not tolerate plagiarism, cheating, or helping others to cheat. These actions will result in an automatic “F” in the course. Plagiarism is defined as misrepresenting the work of others (whether published or not) as your own. It may be inadvertent or intentional. Any facts, statistics, quotations, or paraphrasing of any information that is not common knowledge, should be cited.  
For more information on paper writing, including how to avoid plagiarism and how to use citations, there are many resources to help you on campus. Inquire in the Library or at the Academic Support Desk in the Learning Commons (Ryoshinkan).


<成績評価結果/Results of assessment>   成績評価の見方について/Notes for assessment






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Candice Goucher and Linda Walton , World History: Journeys from Past to Present ,  2nd ed. .   (Routledge, 2013) . 



OFFICE: Shikokan (SK) 3F, Room 371 
TELEPHONE: 075-251-2662 
EMAIL: mizumi@mail.doshisha.ac.jp 
Note: This syllabus will be subject to changes and/or revisions 


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