


Interdisciplinary Studies 3-2
2単位/Unit  秋学期/Fall  今出川/Imadegawa  演習/Seminar


<概要/Course Content Summary>

Historiography and Historical Methodology: Historiography and Historical Methodology is a seminar-style course that focuses on the way historians "do" history. This course gives an overview on how historians have written history and interpreted the past through the ages, and deals with history as a contemporary academic subject. Historiography and Historical Methodology will provide a foundation for later courses of the ILA curriculum.


The objective of this class is to introduce students to the academic language of history, historiographical approaches, and concepts and ideas that have influenced the writing of history. By the end of this course, students will have an understanding of basic historical terminology, methodology and sources, and have an insight into the different schools of thought to which historians belong. This course is designed to improve critical thinking, reading, and presentation skills.


(実施回/ Week) Week 1  (内容/ Contents) Introduction 
Assignments, presentations, and basic terms. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) None. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 2  (内容/ Contents) Historiography and History (Part 1) 
Questions about history. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Arnold, chapter 1, p. 1-14. Submit summary to Turnitin.  
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 30 minutes. Writing: minimum 30 minutes.  
(実施回/ Week) Week 3  (内容/ Contents) Historiography and History (Part 2)  
Myths, politics, archives and old things. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Arnold, chapters 2 and 3, p. 15-57. Submit summary to Turnitin.  
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 60 minutes. Writing: minimum 60 minutes.  
(実施回/ Week) Week 4  (内容/ Contents) Historiography and History (Part 3)  
Tracing a true story. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Arnold, chapters 4 and 5, p. 58-93. Submit summary to Turnitin. 
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 60 minutes. Writing: minimum 60 minutes. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 5  (内容/ Contents) Historiography and History (Part 4)  
The past: similar or different? History and the truth. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Arnold, chapters 6 and 7, p. 94-123. Submit summary to Turnitin.  
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 60 minutes. Writing: minimum 60 minutes. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 6  (内容/ Contents) Historical Methods (Part 1) 
What is a source? 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Howell, chapter 1, p. 17-42. Submit summary to Turnitin.  
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 60 minutes. Writing: minimum 60 minutes. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 7  (内容/ Contents) Historical Methods (Part 2) 
Technical analysis of sources.  
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Howell, chapter 2, p. 43-68. Submit summary to Turnitin.  
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 60 minutes. Writing: minimum 60 minutes. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 8  (内容/ Contents) Historical Knowledge  
Change and continuity, causality and consequences. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Howell, chapter 5, p. 119-150. Submit summary to Turnitin.  
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 60 minutes. Writing: minimum 60 minutes. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 9  (内容/ Contents) History and Philosophy 
Enlightenment and Romanticism, Hegel and Marx, and postmodernism and postcolonialism. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Claus and Marriott, chapter 5, p. 87-104 and chapter 8, p. 155-160, or, chapter 9, p. 167-180 (assigned chapter). Submit summary to Turnitin.  
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 60 minutes. Writing: minimum 60 minutes. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 10  (内容/ Contents) Economic and Social History 
Economics and business, class, family, and religion. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Claus and Marriott, chapter 11, p. 203-218, or, chapter 12, p. 219-237 (assigned chapter).  
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 60 minutes. Writing: minimum 60 minutes. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 11  (内容/ Contents) History and Culture 
Anthropology and visual culture.  
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Claus and Marriott, chapter 20, p. 366-382, or, chapter 16, p. 285-309 (assigned chapter). 
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 60 minutes. Writing: minimum 60 minutes. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 12  (内容/ Contents) Environmental History and Gender History 
The environment and human activity, feminism and women's history 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Claus and Marriott, chapter 18, p. 327-343, or, chapter 14, p. 252-267 (assigned chapter). Submit summary to Turnitin.  
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 60 minutes. Writing: minimum 60 minutes. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 13  (内容/ Contents) History and Geography 
Space, maps, and global history. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Claus and Marriott, chapter 22, p. 405-419, or, chapter 17, p. 310-326 (assigned chapter). Submit summary to Turnitin.  
Prepare for class discussion. 
Reading: minimum 60 minutes. Writing: minimum 60 minutes. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 14  (内容/ Contents) Contemporary Developments 
Crash Course World History and Big History. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Write a report on two videos from the World History 2 playlist on the Crash Course Channel (YouTube) and on “The history of our world in 18 minutes” (David Christian, TED). See URLs below. Prepare for class discussion. 
Viewing videos: minimum 20 minutes. Writing: minimum 30 minutes. 
(実施回/ Week) Week 15  (内容/ Contents) Reflection on Historiography 
What have we learned in this course? 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Submit a reflective essay to Turnitin.  
Prepare for class discussion. 
Writing: minimum 30 minutes. 

This course requires reading, writing, discussing, presenting, note taking, making handouts, using the online plagiarism service Turnitin, viewing online videos, viewing websites, viewing maps, viewing pictures, and viewing on-screen PowerPoint slides.

<成績評価基準/Evaluation Criteria>

Attendance   10%   
Participation  15%   
Weekly Assignments  60%   
Presentation(s)   15%   

Course Requirements: 
a) Attendance:  
This is an online course. You are required to attend all the seminar classes. Failure to attend all classes will lower your final grade; an attendance record lower than 80% will automatically result in final grade F.  
b) Participation:  
During class, you are expected to demonstrate active knowledge of course content, ask questions, and participate in discussions. 
c) Weekly Assignments:  
This course includes extensive reading. You are responsible for completing the readings for the day they are assigned and come to class prepared to discuss them. You will upload a summary of the assigned reading material to Turnitin and use it as your notes during class. Late submissions are not permitted. There are no makeup credits or assignments for failed or missed submissions. 
d) Presentation(s):  
Depending on the number of students, you will do one or more individual or group presentations during the semester. You are required to summarize and present parts of the textbooks that will be assigned to you. You will prepare a handout with an outline or a summary of your presentation and make copies for all students. Details will follow in class.


Arnold, John H , History :  A Very Short Introduction .   (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) . 


Howell, Martha C , From Reliable Sources :  An Introduction to Historical Methods .   (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001) . 


Claus, Peter, & Marriott, John , History :  An Introduction to Theory, Method and Practice ,  second edition .   (Oxon: Routledge, 2017) . 



Crash Course World History 2 
Assignment for Week 14 
“The history of our world in 18 minutes” (David Christian, TED) 
Assignment for Week 14 


OFFICE: Shikōkan 3F Room SK321 
TELEPHONE: 075-251-4975 
EMAIL: duva@mail.doshisha.ac.jp 
OFFICE HOURS:  Monday 13:10-14:40, or by appointment  
1. Please come (log in) to class prepared and on time. Do not enter the classroom if you are more than 15 minutes late. 
2. Let me know if you have an emergency and will not be able to come to class. 
3. You are not allowed to make sound or video recordings or to take pictures in class. 
4. No sleeping in class.  
5. Plagiarism and Cheating: Doshisha University does not tolerate plagiarism, cheating, or helping others to cheat. These actions will result in an automatic “F” in the course. Plagiarism is defined as misrepresenting the work of others (whether published or not) as your own. It may be inadvertent or intentional. Any facts, statistics, quotations, or paraphrasing of any information that is not common knowledge, should be cited. For more information on paper writing, including how to avoid plagiarism and how to use citations, there are many resources to help you in the Library. Please speak with the Librarian.  
6. Accommodations: reasonable accommodation for students with known disabilities will be made in accordance with Doshisha's guidelines. Please contact the ILA Office as soon as possible. 
Note: This syllabus will be subject to changes and/or revisions. 


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