


Comparative Studies of English and Japanese Culture II
2単位/Unit  秋学期/Fall  今出川/Imadegawa  講義/Lecture


<概要/Course Content Summary>

We will read The Souls of Black Folk, by the American writer, activist, historian, sociologist, and educator W.E.B. DuBois. In The Souls of Black Folk, DuBois: 1) explores the nature of cultural identity; 2) affirms the importance of cross-cultural communication and cooperation; 3) celebrates the ideal of multi-cultural and multi-racial democracy; 4) argues that the history of any single nation can only be understood in genuinely global, international contexts; and 4) offers an extended meditation on the meaning and value of education. Requirements for the course include regular attendance, completion of all assigned readings, and a final exam designed to test understanding of the book and of the lectures given each week in class. I will prepare study-guides for the exam summarizing my lectures, to be distributed via Doshisha's "E-Class" system toward the end of the semester. All lectures and assigned texts will be in English; the course therefore provides weekly practice in English reading comprehension and in English listening. As for attendance, I adhere to university policy: more than five absences may result in failure to pass the course.


This course has the following major purposes: 
(1) The students will acquire a basic knowledge of the history and culture of the United States, with particular reference to the history and culture of African-Americans; 
(2) The students will understand culturual diversity and critical issues in intercultural understanding; 
(3) The students will learn the history, the society, and the culture of an English-speaking country; 
(4) The students will improve their understanding of English. 
DuBois is, of course, a major figure in the history of American education. Many of the essays collected in The Souls of Black Folks concern the theory and practice of teaching (pedagogy, curriculum, liberal arts education, etc.); and we will, in reading the book, necessarily touch on matters of enduring interest to educators everywhere. My further hope is that, in looking closely at the history of America in the late nineteenth century, students will reflect on the history of Japan in the same period.


(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) The problem of inter-cultural communication in a diverse nation (the United States). Readings: "The Forethought" and "Of Our Spiritual Strivings," from "The Souls of Black folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Education, cultural identity, and democracy: the enduring legacy of slavery in the United States. Reading: "Of Our Spiritual Strivings," from "The Souls of Black folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) The "Freedmen's Bureau" (1865-1872) and the ideal of multi-cultural democracy. Reading: "Of the Dawn of Freedom," from "The Souls of Black folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Education, cross-cultural understanding, and leadership in America. Reading: "Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others," from "The Souls of Black folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Poverty, racism, and the American south: the problem of education in a segregated world. Reading: "Of the Meaning of Progress," from "The Souls of Black Folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Higher education in a time of social and economic change: the example of Atlanta University. Reading: "Of the Wings of Atlanta," from "The Souls of Black Folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Imperialism, cultural conflict, and American education. Reading: "Of the Training of Black Men," from "The Souls of Black Folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Labor relations, American apartheid, and the rural South. Reading: "Of the Black Belt," from "The Souls of Black Folk."   (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Labor relations, American apartheid, and the rural South (continued). Reading: "Of the Quest of the Golden Fleece," from "The Souls of Black Folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) 10  (内容/ Contents) During this meeting, we will finish studying the themes and essays assigned for meetings 8 and 9. We will also discuss the photographs that accompanied these essays when they were first published as a single, long article in "The World's Work" (a journal devoted to culture, sociology, and labor relations).  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) 11  (内容/ Contents) American apartheid and the family: fatherhood, motherhood, and the problem of cultural identity. Reading: "Of the Passing of the First-Born," from "The Souls of Black Folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) 12  (内容/ Contents) Higher education as a liberalizing force. Reading: "Of the Coming of John," from "The Souls of Black Folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) 13  (内容/ Contents) Lynch-law in America: policing race, class, and gender. Reading: "Of the Coming of John," from "The Souls of Black Folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) 14  (内容/ Contents) African-American music and American culture. Reading: "The Sorrow Songs," from "The Souls of Black Folk."  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Read all assigned texts before coming to class. 
(実施回/ Week) 15  (内容/ Contents) Discussion with a guest speaker, final review and evaluation.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Final Review 

The schedule of readings is subject to change. We may spend a bit more time with some of the essays, which may necessitate our dropping one or two from the reading list.

<成績評価基準/Evaluation Criteria>

Attendance  40%  More than 5 absences may result in failure to pass the course. 
Final exam  60%   


<成績評価結果/Results of assessment>   成績評価の見方について/Notes for assessment






76 6.6 18.4 17.1 27.6 30.3 0.0 1.4 *


W.E.B. DuBois , The Souls of Black Folk ,  Oxford World's Classics .   (Oxford Univ Press, 2009) .  ISBN:0199555834 



The Souls of Black Folk 
An electronic text of the book. 
The African-American Odyssey 
A site maintained by the Library of Congress. 

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