


△20世紀におけるユダヤ文学の発展演習2 (20世紀におけるユダヤ文学の発展演習(2))
The development of the Jewish Literature in the 20th century 2 -The development of the Jewish Literature in the 20th century (2)-
2単位/Unit  秋学期/Fall  今出川/Imadegawa  演習/Seminar


<概要/Course Content Summary>

Modern Jewish Literature developed since the 19th century in several languages and regions. On the one hand, Hebrew was revived as a literal vehicle, first in Eastern Europe and then in Palestine and the State of Israel. Simultaneously, Yiddish also undergone a revival as a language of literature, in East Europe and later in America. Jews also wrote literature in their native languages in Central and Western Europe, in America and elsewhere (German, French,Russian, English etc.). The question may be asked to what extent their work can be regarded as "Jewish" literature. In this course students will be familiarized with general trends and specific literary works out of this vast output, with focus on the 20th century. Classes will be conducted in both English and Japanese. Reading material will be in English or Japanese. Hebrew texts will be introduced according to student's ability.


Students will become familiar with the history of Modern Jewish Literature in several languages, and will become able to conduct research on their own.


(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Introduction  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Hebrew Literature(1)  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Hebrew Literature(2)  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Yiddish Literature(1)  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Yiddish Literature(2)  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) German-Jewish Literature(1)  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) German-Jewish Literature(2)  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) German-Jewish Literature(3)  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Preparing a presentation 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) French-Jewish Literature  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) 10  (内容/ Contents) Russian-Jewish Literature  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) 11  (内容/ Contents) Italian-Jewish Literature  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) 12  (内容/ Contents) English-Jewish Literature(1)  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) 13  (内容/ Contents) English-Jewish Literature(2)  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) 14  (内容/ Contents) English-Jewish Literature(3)  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Reading 
(実施回/ Week) 15  (内容/ Contents) English-Jewish Literature(4)  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Submitting a report 

<成績評価基準/Evaluation Criteria>

平常点(出席,クラス参加,グループ作業の成果等)  30%  授業出席,遅刻をしないこと,授業時のディスカッションへの参加。 
小レポート  30%  授業内容の理解。 
期末レポート  40%  授業内容を踏まえたオリジナルなレポートが書けているか。 


Benjamin Harshav , Language in Time of Revolution .   (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993) . 


Geoffrey Khan, general editor. (et al) , Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics .   (Leiden, Brill, 2013) ,  4 vols. . 


Benjamin, Harshav , The Meaning of Yiddish .   (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990) . 



פרויקט בן יהודה (Project Ben Yehuda) 


Changes to the syllabus may occur. 


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