


○英語学演習Ⅱ-2 (言語人類学入門)
Seminar in English Linguistics II-2 -An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology-
2単位/Unit  春学期/Spring  今出川/Imadegawa 


<概要/Course Content Summary>

After taking this seminar students will understand why the study of language is incomplete without a full understanding of the function of language in culture and society. The questions this course will address include the following fundamental issues: How can language and culture be adquately described? Do other creatures apart from humans show linguistic capacities? How did language originate and contribute to human evolution and the development of culture? How can languages be classified in order to show their interrelationships? What is the relationship between language and thought? What is meaning: how is it transmitted and processed in socio-cultural terms? What modern myths exist concerning language use and behavior?


By taking this course, students will acquire the essential background knowledge regarding the cardinal relationship between culture and language from an international perspective through the lens of anthropological linguistics. After completing this course, they should have acquired the following skills among others: 
- recognize and refute ideological falsehoods about language on the folk level e.g. the myth of so-called 'primitive' languages 
- be capable of describing and relating morphological and discoursal data to their sociocultural contexts of production and creation 
- apply the analytic framework of the ethnography of communication to any episode of communication  
- analyze a set of data dealing with lexical specialization in terms of linguistic relativism


(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) A brief history of the study of linguistic anthropology + the selection of your research project e.g. an ethnoscientific analysis of product names used in advertising   (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) The methods of linguistic anthropology: the fieldwork component and a field research checklist  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Phonology from an anthropological perspective: prosodic features, etics and emics + the comparative phonology of English with Indo-Pacific and Austronesian languages  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Morphological processes in the anthropological context + case-study of "Jabberwocky" from "Through the Looking-Glass"  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Paralinguistics, kinesics and proxemics + sign language + case-study of ancient orthographic encoding  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Communication among nonhuman primates and the design features of human language + monogenesis versus polygenesis  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) The Social Aspects of Multilingualism: code-switching, code-mixing and diglossia  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) The Reconstruction of Protolanguages: Glottochronology: the case of Proto-Algonquian  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Idiolects, dialects and language contact in the contemporary world + case-study of the creolization of Tok Pisin  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) 10  (内容/ Contents) The Ethnography of Communication and its Hymesian components + the case-study of Subanun talk  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) 11  (内容/ Contents) Culture as Cognition and Categorization: ethnoscience and synesthesia  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) 12  (内容/ Contents) Color nomenclature and other challenges to linguistic relativity + tests of linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) 13  (内容/ Contents) Linguistic ideologies of race and ethnicity + case-study: myths and facts about Afro-American Vernacular English  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) 14  (内容/ Contents) The vitality criteria of a language + new literacies in an online globalized and anglicized world   (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Prepare READING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 
(実施回/ Week) 15  (内容/ Contents) Presentation of your research project  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Give in your research report 

This schedule is flexible and can change depending on various factors such as the number of students and will be individualized to match the needs and interests of those taking part.

<成績評価基準/Evaluation Criteria>

平常点(出席,クラス参加,グループ作業の成果等)  50%  Regular weekly reading assignments and presentation 
小レポート  50%  FINAL RESEARCH REPORT (minimum 3,000 words) 


None in particular .  テキストは使用せず,プリントを配付する。 


<参考文献/Reference Book>

None in particular 



Students need strong functioning skills in English on every level but above all, the oral/ aural level, together with a deep interest for, and preferably a background familiarity with, different cultures and languages from around the world. NOTE: Every student must give one presentation in ENGLISH to the class, prefereably with PowerPoint, during the semester on a topic related to the course. Every week students must discuss in ENGLISH with other students and the teacher about a topic related to the course. 


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