


○現代ヘブライ語・ヘブライ文学読解演習1 (現代ヘブライ語・ヘブライ文学読解(1))
Seminar: Modern Hebrew Reading and Comprehension 1 -Modern Hebrew: Reading in Hebrew Literature (1)-
2単位/Unit  春学期/Spring  今出川/Imadegawa  演習/Seminar


<概要/Course Content Summary>

Amos Oz, A. B. Yehoshua, Aharon Megedのような,前世紀の著名なイスラエル人とユダヤ人の作家を扱います。 
In order to widen the knowledge of the Hebrew language, and introduce the students, who are learning Modern Hebrew, into a higher level of literary writings, the course on “Reading in Hebrew Literature” will present some trends in Israeli literature. 
In the course of this semester short stories in simplified Hebrew will be read in class, and discussed in Hebrew to improve the speaking ability of the students. 
Famous Israeli and Jewish writers of the last century will be included such as: Amos Oz, A. B. Yehoshua, Aharon Meged, and others. 
Requirements: Modern Hebrew course #3 or #4 (Intermediate level). 
New students with previous knowledge of Hebrew must consult the teacher before registration. 




(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Reading texts in simplified Hebrew of Modern Hebrew authors, while studying Modern Hebrew syntax.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Reading texts in simplified Hebrew of Modern Hebrew authors, while studying Modern Hebrew syntax.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Reading texts in simplified Hebrew of Modern Hebrew authors, while studying Modern Hebrew syntax.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Reading texts in simplified Hebrew of Modern Hebrew authors, while studying Modern Hebrew syntax.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Reading texts in simplified Hebrew of Modern Hebrew authors, while studying Modern Hebrew syntax.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Reading stories of early 20th century authors.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Reading stories of early 20th century authors.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Reading stories of early 20th century authors.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) (内容/ Contents) Reading stories of early 20th century authors.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) 10  (内容/ Contents) Reading newspaper clips from Hebrew newspapers.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) 11  (内容/ Contents) Reading newspaper clips from Hebrew newspapers.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) 12  (内容/ Contents) Reading newspaper clips from Hebrew newspapers.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) 13  (内容/ Contents) Reading texts in simplified Hebrew of Modern Hebrew authors,while studying Modern Hebrew syntax.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) 14  (内容/ Contents) Reading texts in simplified Hebrew of Modern Hebrew authors,while studying Modern Hebrew syntax.  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 
(実施回/ Week) 15  (内容/ Contents) summary  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) Textbooks 3 and 4:  
Preparation of texts for class, by translating them into Japanese, is requested every week. 


<成績評価基準/Evaluation Criteria>

期末レポート試験・論文  80%  現代ヘブライ語で書かれたレポート。 
クラスへの貢献度   20%  出席率,遅刻した回数など。 



アダ・タガー・コヘン  『現代ヘブライ語テキスト-日本語を話す人々のための現代ヘブライ語:文章音読と会話練習,および文法解説,3級-』 (同志社大学神学部、2012)  現代ヘブライ語学習サイトに連動したテキストを配布します。 


アダ・タガー・コヘン  『現代ヘブライ語テキスト-日本語を話す人々のための現代ヘブライ語:文章音読と会話練習,および文法解説,4級-』 (同志社大学神学部、2012)


Copies of the texts of stories in simplified Hebrew will be handed-out at the beginning of the course.






お問合せは同志社大学 各学部・研究科事務室まで
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