


Organizations and Networks
2単位/Unit  春学期/Spring  烏丸/Karasuma  講義形式


<概要/Course Content Summary>

 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course examines macro-organizational theory and research from the classics up to the present. Primary attention will be given to the content domains, presuppositions, core propositions, chains of reasoning that underlie a body of organizational scholarship. However, theory is grasped not only in the weighty tomes of pure theorists but also in the empirical research traditions designed to determine the veracity or falsity of theoretical ideas.We will also pay attention to the research methods employed in organizational research, for any assessment of the findings or theoretical implications of research cannot be divorced from the methods used to gather and analyze data. Moreover, some influential programs of macro-organizational theory and research have evolved new and distinctive methodological techniques: network analysis and organizational ecology come to mind. 
 Although we will certainly devote significant class time to critiques of particularly significant articles and books, my view is that Ph.D. students in organizational theory should acquire some familiarity with very broad literatures over a considerable span of time. Consequently, a lot of material will at least be discussed. The study of organizations is a field where substantial traditions of theory and research grow up, dominate inquiry for a time, then fade away. To some this is a troublesome symptom of the pre-paradigmatic state of organizational science. Closer examination, however, reveals that, while research methodologies come and go as do conceptual frames and scholarly vocabularies, the range of truly distinct questions and issues posed by organizational study is relatively small.  
 READINGS: All required readings will be available for download at a website. Readings that are ‘most important’ are asterisked below.


 Once the student has seen this for her or himself, a much deeper grasp of particular traditions and the field as a whole may be had. 


(実施回/ Week) Session 1  (内容/ Contents) INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
* Weber,M.: "Bureaucracy." In Grusky and Miller (eds.): COMPLEX ORGANIZATIONS.  
Free Press,1981. 
 Massie,J.L.: "Management Theory," in J.March (ed.): HANDBOOK OF ORGANIZATIONS.Rand,1965. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
(実施回/ Week) Session 3 and 4  (内容/ Contents) ORGANIZATIONS AS INSTITUTIONS 
 Blau,P.M.:“Bureaucracy and social change.” Ch.12 in his Dynamics of Bureaucracy.  
* Philip Selznick: “Conclusion” in TVA AND THE GRASS ROOTS. University of California Press,1949. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
(実施回/ Week) Session 5  (内容/ Contents) CONTINGENCY THEORY:RATIONAL 
 Burns,T.and G.M.Stalker: “Models of mechanistic and organic structure.”  
* Lincoln,J.R.,M.Hanada,and K.McBride.1986.  
“Organizational structures in Japanese and U.S.manufacturing.” ASQ 31:338-364. 
 Maurice,M.,A.Sorge,and M.Warner. 1980.  
“Societal differences in manufacturing organizations:a comparison of France,West Germany and Great Britain.” OS 1:59-86. 
THEORY AND PRACTICE.Oxford,1961.Ch.4. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
(実施回/ Week) Session 6  (内容/ Contents) EXCHANGE AND POWER/DEPENDENCE IN AND  
 Blau,P. M.:“Consultation among colleagues.” 
Ch.7 in DYNAMICS OF BUREAUCRACY. Chicago,1955. 
* Thompson,J.:“Domains of organized action.” Ch. 3 in ORGANIZATIONS IN ACTION.McGraw-Hill,1962. 
 Lincoln,J.R.,M.L.Gerlach,and P.Takahashi. 1992."Keiretsu networks in the Japanese economy:a dyad analysis of intercorporate ties." ASR 57:561-585. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
(実施回/ Week) Session 7 and 8  (内容/ Contents) ORGANIZATIONAL ECONOMICS:AGENCY &  
* Ahmadjian,C.L.and J.R.Lincoln.2001. 
“Keiretsu,governance,and learning: 
Case studies in change from the Japanese 
automotive industry.” OS 12:683-701. 
 Dore,Ronald.1983."Goodwill and the  
spirit of market capitalism." BRITISH J.  
OF SOCIOLOGY 34:459-482. 
Williamson,O.1999.“Strategy research: 
governance and competence perspectives.”  
SMJ 20:1087-1108. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
(実施回/ Week) Session 9  (内容/ Contents) EVOLUTIONARY THEORIES OF ORGANIZATION 
* Anderson,P. and M. L. Tushman. 1990.  
“Technological discontinuities and dominant designs:a cyclical model of technological change.” ASQ 35-604-33. 
 Hannan,M.T.and J.Freeman.1977.“The population ecology of organizations.”  
AJS 82: 829-64. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
(実施回/ Week) Session 10  (内容/ Contents) NEO-INSTITUTIONAL THEORIES OF  
* DiMaggio,P.and W.W.Powell:“The iron case revisited:institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational 
fields.” ASR 48(1983):147-160. 
 Lincoln,James R.,Mitsuyo Hanada,and Kerry McBride:“Organizational structures in Japanese and U.S.manufacturing.” ASQ 31 (September,1986):338-364. 
* Palmer,D.A.,P.D.Jennings and X.G.Zhou. “Late adoption of the multidivisional form by large United States corporations:institutional,political,and economic accounts.” ASQ 38 (1993):100-131. 
 Westphal,J.D.,R.Gulati,S.M.Shortell. 1997. 
“Customization or conformity? An institutional and network perspective on the content and consequences of TQM adoption.” ASQ 41:366-94. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
(実施回/ Week) Session 11  (内容/ Contents) CORPORATE FORM AND GOVERNANCE 
 Armour,H.O.and David Teece.1978.  
"Organizational structure and economic performance: A test of the multidivisional hypothesis." BELL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 9: 106-122. 
* Palmer,D.A.,P.D.Jennings,and X.G.Zhou. 
“Late adoption of the multidivisional form by large United States corporations: institutional,political,and economic accounts.” ASQ 38 (1993):100-131. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
(実施回/ Week) Session 12  (内容/ Contents) INTRA-ORGANIZATIONAL NETWORKS: 
 Blau,P.M.:“Consultation among colleagues.” Ch.7 in his Dynamics of Bureaucracy.Chicago 1955. 
* Hansen,Morten T.1999.“The search-transfer problem: the role of weak ties in sharing knowledge across organization subunits.” ASQ 44:82-111. 
 Reagans,R. and E.W. Zuckerman. 2001.  
“Networks,diversity and performance:The social capital of R&D units.” OS 12:502-517. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
(実施回/ Week) Session 13  (内容/ Contents) INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL  
 Lincoln,J.R.,M.Gerlach,and C.L.Ahmadjian. 1996."Keiretsu networks and corporate performance in Japan."ASR 61:67-88. 
* Uzzi,B.1996.“The sources and consequences of embeddedness for the economic performance of organizations–the network effect.” ASR 61:674-698. 
“Customization or conformity? An institutional and network perspective on the content and consequences of TQM adoption.” ASQ 41:366-94. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
(実施回/ Week) Session 14  (内容/ Contents) STRATEGIC ALLIANCES 
 Baum,J.,T.Calabrese,and B.Silverman.2000.  
“Don’t go it alone:alliance network composition and startups’performance in Canadian biotechnology.” SMJ 21:267-94. 
* Mowery,D.,J.Oxley,and B.Silverman.1996.  
“Strategic alliances and interfirm knowledge transfer.” SMJ 17:77-91. 
(授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 
(実施回/ Week) Session 15  (内容/ Contents) CONCLUSIONS AND STUDENT PRESENTATIONS  (授業時間外の学習/ Assignments) All required readings will be available for download at a website. 

1 ASR=American Sociological Review; AJS=American Journal of Sociology; ARS=Annual Review of Sociology; ASQ=Administrataive Science Quarterly; OS=Organization Science; ROB=Research in Organizational Behavior; SMJ=Strategic Management Journal.

<成績評価基準/Evaluation Criteria>

Paper  60%  Students will write a term paper (maximum 10 pages). The paper will be a research prospectus.From the set of theory/research topics given below, you are to identify a research problem and design an empirical study which addresses it. Although your design can and should build upon previous research in the area, originality will be an important criterion on which papers will be evaluated. 
Participation  25%  Students are also expected to have read the required material by the assigned date and to participate actively in class discussions. Participation includes careful reading of assigned materials before the date they are discussed in class, posing of thoughtful questions and problems relating to the topics, and critical, analytical comments. 
Presentation  15%  Students are expected to make a 20 minute presentation on their term paper topic in the last (14th) class session. 

COURSE FORMAT: This is a seminar, and it cannot succeed without the full and active participation of all members. However, as we will be reviewing more literature each week than students can reasonably be asked to read, I will at the outset of each class session give a quasi-lecture on the topic area and identify key issues and perspectives.

<成績評価結果/Results of assessment>   成績評価の見方について/Notes for assessment


登録者数  2名


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